Thursday, September 19, 2019

To Learn Details About Mary Guiney | Mary Guiney Author

Mary Guiney is a world-acclaimed book author who was born in Ireland. She has gained immense respect and love for her famous book 'Vietnamese Voices' in which she has described a woman's quest to find a way of living with bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia and how she struggles to alleviate the symptoms of the diseases. 

Mary Guiney earned a biochemistry degree from the National University of Galway, Ireland. She has done Masters in Finance and Nutrition. Before becoming a prominent writer, she had also worked for Samsung Electronics and JP Morgan in London. 

 Although she was a working professional, there was something which had always failed to fascinate Mary Guiney. She always wanted to do something different, something which she would enjoy doing and it was then she explored herself closely and decided to start writing. 

Her passion for writing can be acknowledged in her book 'Vietnamese Voices' which is actually an autobiography of Mary Guiney as she was diagnosed with bipolar and Schizophrenia. She didn't rely completely on taking medications like any other patient suffering from the same diseases. Instead, she tried to find a better replacement and chose to follow the nutritive way. She has communicated about the disease and everything with the readers through her informal writing style. Not only this, but she also encourages people to have a balanced diet along with daily exercise. 

We know Mary Guiney is not going to stop here. She has a long way to go and we are pretty sure that she will come up with many more informative books.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Mary Guiney - Twist And Trust | Mary Guiney Upcoming Books

Mary Guiney will be launching her newest book and seminar series in January.

Before it goes into the bookstores or amazon it will be right here:

You will also be able to download a free chapter that will give you the “straight talk” right from Mary Guiney on how she navigated her way through personal betrayal, financial devastation, the civil court process, reputation attacks, physical threats, and rebuilt her life from zero net worth, to something worth talking about!

If Mary Guiney can overcome these adversities, she can teach you how too.

Mary Guiney wants you to know that you are not alone in your circumstance, life does have twists and turns and you are still in control, can overcome, turn things around, thrive, move forward faster and actually create a dream for yourself that is even bigger than the one you thought you lost. Trust is an important ingredient in life, where you put it on which you put it in is what will ultimately determine the quality of your life and the profitability of your existence. You can overcome anything and change everything.

Mary Guiney will tell it like it is.  If you’d like more information you can find courses, products and books by Mary Guiney on.